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2 Latin Tutors Found

Edward Chrysogonus Y.

Edward Chrysogonus Y.

Yishun, Singapore
  • Afrikaans, Greek, Latin
Expand your linguistic horizons , learn Latin and Classical Greek with a knowledgeable language tutor.
Hi! If you're at all interested in history, literature, music, philosophy, or human culture, you will have noticed the the language and cultural heri...
  • Afrikaans, Greek, Latin
Expand your linguistic horizons , learn Latin and Classical Greek with a knowledgeable language tutor.
Hi! If you're at all interested in history, literature, music, philosophy, or human culture, you will have noticed the the language and cultural heri...
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  • Face to Face
  • Online Tutoring
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KM (DiCo) D.

KM (DiCo) D.

New York, USA
  • Latin
Experienced Latin Teacher of Ten Years
I have been teaching in NYC public and charter schools for the last 12 years. I grew up here in NYC, went to Stuyvesant HS, and was a first-generation...
  • Latin
Experienced Latin Teacher of Ten Years
I have been teaching in NYC public and charter schools for the last 12 years. I grew up here in NYC, went to Stuyvesant HS, and was a first-generation...
  • Verified Profile
  • Online Tutoring
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